Advances in Power Supplies for Efficient Electric Heating

Thursday, October 22, 2015: 8:00 AM
251A (COBO Center)
Dr. Souheil Benzerrouk , Warner Power LLC, Warner, NH
Electric Furnaces have gained major ground in industrial heating, especially, in heat-treating where finer control of temperature is required along with improved efficiency and a reduced environmental impact at the point of use. Furthermore, due to energy costs and “line disturbance” penalties imposed by utility companies, many new power topologies have been developed with careful consideration to performance related to efficiency, power factor, harmonics, and line balance.

In our presentation, we develop a systemic thermo-electric model to specify power requirements, then a cost model to select the appropriate power supply topology. Then, as a summary, a comparative analysis will be presented that includes emerging power supply topologies, required instrumentation, power control schemes and overall performance. We will also review potential new methods for power delivery that will meet or exceed current and future requirements and provide the ability for a higher degree of integration.

See more of: Applied Technology IV
See more of: Technical Program