“Multiple Chamber Vacuum Furnace Designs Improve Efficiency, Part Appearance and Hot Zone Maintenance”

Thursday, October 22, 2015: 8:20 AM
251A (COBO Center)
Mr. Benjamin T. Bernard , Surface Combustion, Inc., Maumee, OH
Once a decision is made as to the merits of vacuum processing, an additional decision as to the type of vacuum furnace system should be addressed. In many applications a multichamber vacuum furnace is the most effective solution. Efficiency is improved when using a multichamber vacuum furnace over a single chamber because the hot zone stays heated and only the energy to heat the load along with minimal holding losses is required on an each cycle basis. The multichamber vacuum furnace is versatile allowing a selection of oil-quenching or gas-quenching and doing both in a separate chamber; saving wear, tear, contamination and erosion in the hot zone. Lastly, part quality and appearance is often improved over single chamber designs. Impurities or moisture are thoroughly evacuated because the hot zone remains heated with no reintroduction of outside contamination to contend with. Examples of various processes and successful applications will be shared.
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