Temperature Processing Evolves Atmosphere Practices to Meet Community Needs – at a Profit

Tuesday, October 20, 2015: 8:40 AM
251B (COBO Center)
Mr. David E. Wolff , Proton OnSite, Wallingford, CT
Mr. Will Engelhard , Temperature Processing, North Arlington, NJ
Mr. Richard Brennan , Thermo Products, Hamburg, NJ
Temperature Processing Inc. has offered merchant heat treating in North Arlington NJ for 59 years.  Services offered include annealing, tempering and nitriding.  Over time, the community has become more densely populated and residential, and the Temperature Processing site has become landlocked – surrounded by residential, government and business neighbors.  Simultaneously, Temperature Processing’s clients have become more sophisticated in the types of processing desired, challenging Temperature Processing to continuously enhance their capabilities.

In 2012, Will Engelhard, President of Temperature Processing, chose to change the plant from bulk stored ammonia and cylinder hydrogen.  Will felt that these atmosphere supply techniques were increasing risky in the densely-populated area, and that dissociated ammonia atmosphere no longer met the needs of his customers, and that Temperature Processing needed additional atmosphere flexibility.

Presentation will discuss Will’s decision to adopt on-site hydrogen generation and atmosphere blending, and the compliance, payback, and processing benefits that Temperature Processing experienced.

See more of: Applied Technology I
See more of: Technical Program