Retiring Paper-Based Maintenance Systems within Commercial Heat Treating Shops

Tuesday, October 20, 2015: 2:40 PM
251B (COBO Center)
Mr. Roger Jones , Solar Atmospheres Inc., Souderton, PA

               Retiring Paper-Based Maintenance Systems within Commercial Heat Treating Shops

                                                                                                                By Roger Jones

   The future success of any commercial heat treating plant is to maximize the return on every dollar spent. In order to strategically increase revenues while lowering expenses, any business owner must not only look at the purchase price of a piece of equipment but also examine the total price of ownership within that “asset” or particular piece of equipment. It becomes more obvious everyday, how a company manages its equipment maintenance ultimately has a huge impact on its bottom line.

   In the past it has been proven that a paper- based system allows too much human error to creep into every aspect of maintenance management. Solar Atmospheres corporately has adopted a digitized maintenance system that has proven to drive change and cut costs companywide.

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