Quench Tank Analysis using Computational Fluid Dynamics

Wednesday, October 21, 2015: 2:25 PM
250C (COBO Center)
Dr. Alberto Cantú , Nutec Bickley S.A. de C.V., Santa Catarina, Mexico
Mr. Karlo Mariella , Nutec Bickley S.A. de C.V., Santa Catarina, Mexico
Prof. Rafael Colas , Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, San Nicolás de los Garza, Mexico
Mr. Omar Rodriguez , Instituto Tecnologico Sanmiguelense, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Dr. Arturo Keer , Instituto Tecnologico Sanmiguelense, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Metallurgical properties required in aluminum alloys are highly dependent on the cooling uniformity during the quenching process. Non-uniformity during cooling is associated with piece distortion and failure. Although the quenching process is considered the most critical step during alloys heat treating, quench tank design is still based mainly on experience. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) offers detailed understanding of the complex behaviour of fluid flow and its impact on part cooling. Detailed cooling rates can then be used to predict part metallurgical properties. Although computational fluid dynamics are being used increasingly in quench tank designs, there is still considerable imprecision due to assumptions that must be made. In this work, the flow field of a pilot quench tank with one agitator is simulated using CFD. Results are compared to velocity data obtained experimentally. Cooling curves are also obtained for a modified version of the Navy C test both experimentally and numerically.

See more of: Quenching and Cooling III
See more of: Technical Program