Numerical Model of Controlled Cooling of Steel Hot Rolled Bars

Wednesday, October 25, 2017: 11:20 AM
A223-225 (Greater Columbus Convention Center)
Prof. Božo Smoljan , Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
Prof. Dario Iljkić , Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
Dr. Bojan Senčić , Štore Steel d.o.o., Štore, Slovenia
Dr. Robert Vertnik , Štore Steel d.o.o., Štore, Slovenia
Numerical model of controlled cooling in production of steel hot rolled bars was developed. By numerical model of controlled cooling is possible to predict a transient temperature field, microstructure evolution and hardness of round and rectangular steel bars during cooling of these bars in cooling beds.

The numerical model of transient temperature field is based on control volume method. The algorithm for prediction of hardness and microstructure distribution in steel bars is based on CCT-diagrams and real chemical composition. The numerical model and algorithm is completed to solve problems in controlled cooling of hot rolled bars in cooling beds. The controlled cooling are performed by special placement of hot rolled bars on cooling beds.

Numerical model and computer program was experimentally verified by simulation of real industrial production of low-alloyed steel bars. The verification of developed numerical model was performed by comparison of simulated cooling curves and hardness with experimentally evaluated results.

See more of: Quenching and Cooling II
See more of: Technical Sessions