Development of Ausferritic Microstructure in a Medium Carbon Steel

Tuesday, October 24, 2017: 2:40 PM
A220-222 (Greater Columbus Convention Center)
Prof. Susil K. Putatunda , Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Mohamed Al Shwigi , Wayne State University, Detroit, MI


An investigation was carried out for creation of an Ausferritic microstructure in a medium carbon low alloy steel. Ausferrite is a unique microstructure consisting of carbide free ferrite and austenite. This unique microstructure is expected to result in excellent mechanical properties such as simultaneous high yield strength, good ductility, and fracture toughness. This will also result on creation of special class of Dual Phase steel.

Medium carbon low alloy steel with unique composition was austenitized at 900oC and then cooled at a moderate rate.  A thorough and detailed microstructural analysis by both optical and SEM showed a unique microstructure consisting of carbide free ferrite and austenite together with some bainite in the matrix. The mechanical properties of this steel were comparable to the other commercially dual phase steels.

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