Optimizing Cycle Time and Process Flexibility Using Vacuum Sealed Quenching

Wednesday, October 25, 2017: 4:40 PM
A220-222 (Greater Columbus Convention Center)
Mr. Don Marteeny , SECO/VACUUM Technologies, LLC, Meadville, PA
Dr. Maciej Korecki , SECO/WARWICK S.A., Swiebodzin, Poland
Hardening and case hardening technology and equipment for atmosphere heat treatment was developed more than 60 years ago with little new product innovation or change. However, the needs of manufacturing have changed dramatically, driven by global competitiveness and the need for lower unit cost. As such the heat treatment solutions must be capable of achieving higher productivity (through shorter cycle times), increased flexibility (with respect to material and process/cycles) and meet higher product quality standards. In addition today’s manufacturing requires absolute process reproducibility and integration with other manufacturing, all done using energy efficient and environmentally friendly equipment.

The solution is modern vacuum technology and vacuum equipment that allows for easy adaptation to stringent specifications and changing industry standards. Several applications will be discussed at length, based on an evolutionary technology allowing the move from atmosphere to vacuum batch sealed quenching using a two or three chamber vacuum furnace with oil and/or high-pressure gas quenching features.

They-have specific and characteristic properties that make them the perfect solution for a wide variety of applications in many diverse industries such as commercial heat treatment, aerospace, automotive/heavy truck/racing, machine tool, medical/dental and tool & die to name a few.