The Top 10 Advances in Induction Heating for Forging

Wednesday, October 16, 2019: 4:20 PM
251C (TCF Center)
Mr. Michael J. Zaharof , Inductoheat, Inc., Madison Heights, MI
The presentation "Top 10 Advances in Induction Heating for Forging" will discuss the latest technological advancements available in the induction forging industry. From advanced surface to core temperature control and robotic interfaces, to automated billet purge systems, this presentation will focus on how incorporating these items can improve production throughput, decrease downtime, and provide more consistent product quality. Additional areas covered will include: 1. A brief history on induction heating technology for forging 2. Key benefits of these new advances 3. How implementation of these new technologies and processes can improve the forging process 4. The future of induction heating for forging
See more of: Applied Technology III
See more of: Technical Program