A customized approach to CQI-9 and supplier management

Wednesday, September 15, 2021: 1:30 PM
101 (America's Center)
Mr. Andrew Armuth , Cummins, Columbus, IN
Mr. Nicholas Grider , Cummins, Columbus, IN
A customized approach to using the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) CQI-9 audit and how the audit can be used to assess and improve global tier 1 and tier 2 Heat Treatment suppliers is presented. Reasons for combining the CQI-9 audit with internal Engineering Process Standards, AMS2750 Pyrometry requirements, and IATF quality requirements to arrive at an approach, known as Beyond CQI-9, are outlined. A quantitative tool for converting qualitative assessment of audit findings into prioritized actionable improvement efforts has been developed. Supplier management strategies and a decision-making process used by the internal cross functional committee (Heat Treatment Council) in response to audit findings and quality issues are discussed.