Inline Non-Destructive Material Property Testing; The Future of Manufacturing

Wednesday, September 15, 2021: 1:50 PM
101 (America's Center)
Mr. David M. Wright, MBA , Foerster Instruments, Pittsburgh, PA
Mr. Dan C Ward , Foerster Instruments, Pittsburgh, PA
Across all industries, material specifications are tightening beyond previously understood process capabilities. Slight shifts in material grade, microstructure, or alloy composition can significantly impact long term material integrity. This study examines the feasibility of non-contact, 100% inline magneto-inductive testing on material/components destined for the Automotive, Aerospace, Agricultural, and Medical markets to ensure proper material quality standards.

To test the hypothesis that material grade, carbon content, and alloy composition can be accurately tested in real time during production, an experiment was conducted utilizing magneto inductive test instrumentation and testing coil. Throughout this experiment, and proposed future state of manufacturing, 100% of material was tested. Results yielded clear confirmation in accordance with the hypothesis.

This data driven subjective approach provided the ability to accurately, efficiently, and autonomously verify proper material grade was used for the designated product. Ensuring proper material composition and material properties without slowing production using this testing method should be considered when improved quality is desired.