Creep Strain Behaviors of Ti-6Al-4V Using Gleeble 3500

Tuesday, September 14, 2021: 9:10 AM
102 (America's Center)
Mr. Kevin J. Zhang , University of Conneticut, Storrs, CT
Mr. Chase Sheeley , University of Conneticut, Storrs, CT, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Prof. Lesley D. Frame , University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Creep strain behavior during cooling was investigated by thermal physical simulations using Gleeble 3500. Standard cylinder-shaped Ti-6Al-4V samples with 10 mm diameter were heated to below beta transus temperature (1775 F) or above beta transus (1925 F), followed by constant cooling rates with and without applied 3% tensile strain during cooling to 1000 F. Cooling rate ranged from 25 F/min to 1000 F/min. The samples were characterized after the Gleeble testing, with a primary focus on texture, microstructure, and residual stress measurement. Characterization methods include XRD, optical microscopy, and SEM-EBSD. The results provide insights on the relationship of flow stress behavior and microstructure as a function of temperature and cooling rate and are applicable to forging practices. These materials data can be used as input for future process modeling, potentially giving better prediction accuracy in industry applications.