Energy, Water, and Maintenance Savings from Adiabatic Fluid Coolers

Tuesday, October 17, 2023: 9:00 AM
311 AB (Huntington Convention Center)
Mr. Jason Richard Lehman , Thermal Care, Niles, IL
What is the best solution for cooling your process when you need water above 85°F? Cooling tower vs. air cooled fluid cooler? While both of these have pros and cons, there is a piece of equipment that provides a useful combination of the two. The adiabatic fluid cooler, greatly reduces water usage compared to a tower, and can provide cooler water than a fluid cooler in the summer months. For applications that can accept 95°F water or cooler all year round an adiabatic cooler can offer many benefits for cooling.

We will answer the following questions:

What is an adiabatic cooler?

How it works and when it should be used?

How it can save heat treaters time and money, and reduce maintenance?