Increased Savings and Benefits of FNC and NITRIDING in Large Production Operations

Thursday, October 19, 2023: 11:30 AM
311 AB (Huntington Convention Center)
Mr. Dennis Beauchesne , ECM-USA, Inc., Pleasant Prairie, WI
New Trends in Global Heat Treatment / New Methods

ABSTRACT: Increased Savings and Benefits of FNC and NITRIDING in Large Production Operations

Speaker: Dennis Beauchesne, ECM USA General Manager

Ferritic Nitrocarburizing (FNC) and Nitriding are two efficient heat treat processes that have been growing more popular over the last 15 years. This presentation will review the benefits of these processes for their use in large-scale production and explore the ease of implementation into existing production lines. Comparisons will be made between single batch systems and new equipment designs to understand the overall increase in savings that can be achieved in time and energy.