Boronization compare and contrast the benefits and limitations of Boronization

Tuesday, October 17, 2023: 1:40 PM
311 AB (Huntington Convention Center)
Mr. Michael D Vetter , B4C Technologies, Palm City, FL
The boronization process diffuses boron into the steel similarly to how nitriding diffuses nitrogen. The result is the hardest case process available, but different processes create different amounts of FeB and Fe2B that have very different properties. There is a need to define the boronization process that identifies the different elements that are produced during the process. There are different boronization processes and they produce different results. The objective is to create a data package that can eventually be used as the foundation for AMS specifications. Nitriding has some similar variations thus there are two specifications AMS 2756 for gas nitriding and AAMS 2757 for salt bath nitriding. With the help of Fisher Scientific SEM to categorize and define the nuanceā€™s in the case hardening layer we feel we can better predict the application success. Boron is next to Carbon on the periodic table and with carbon so prevalent it has been a very difficult task to differentiated the two materials in steel. Fisher believes their equipment can do it and would like to verify their SEM with TEM data.