Fluxtrol Student Research Competition - Phase 1 - Poster Presentations

Tuesday, October 17, 2023: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM
Exhibit Hall A - Student Poster Area (On Show Floor) (Huntington Convention Center)
Mr. Robert C. Goldstein, Fluxtrol Inc.
Failure Investigation of Cast iron Rolls at Coin Making Industry, Pakistan.
Mr. Fahad Shakeel, Technical University of Berlin.
Effects of Strain Hardening and Alloying on the Strength of Al-Mg-Si Alloys
Mr. Kenneth A. T. Looby, University of Connecticut; Dr. Lesley D. Frame, University of Connecticut
Effects of Vanadium Carbide Precipitation and Dislocation Density on Hydrogen Absorption and Retention in 1300 MPa Steel Fasteners
Ms. Michelle N Kent, Colorado School of Mines; Prof. Kip O. Findley, Advanced Steel Processing & Products Research Center Colorado School of Mines; Dr. Emmanuel De Moor, Colorado School of Mines
The Effects of Thermomechanical Pretreatment on Abnormal Grain Growth of AISI 4121 Steel During Carburization
Mr. James Gruich, Colorado School of Mines; Prof. Kip O. Findley, Advanced Steel Processing & Products Research Center Colorado School of Mines; Prof. Robert L. Cryderman, Colorado School of Mines
Isothermal Treatments of AlCoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy Produced via Binder Jetting and Direct Energy Deposition: Microstructural Modification and Analysis
Mr. Jide Oyerinde, Clarkson University; Prof. Ioannis Mastorakos, Clarkson University; Prof. Philip Yuya, Clarkson University; Prof. Ajit Achuthan, Clarkson University
Numerical analysis on morphology of second phase particles during grain growth
Mr. M Nabil Bhuiyan, University of Connecticut; Dr. Serge M. Nakhmanson, PhD, University of Connecticut; Dr. Lesley D. Frame, University of Connecticut
Effects of Induction Surface Hardening Following Carburizing on the Torsional Fatigue Performance of a 4121 Steel
Mr. Benjamin H. Tanous, Colorado School of Mines; Prof. Kip O. Findley, Advanced Steel Processing & Products Research Center Colorado School of Mines; Dr. Emmanuel De Moor, Colorado School of Mines; Prof. Robert L. Cryderman, Colorado School of Mines; Mr. Jim Farago, Nexteer Automotive; Mr. Brian Marshall, Inductoheat, Inc.
Influence of Time and Temperature on Decarburization Rates for AISI 52100 and 1095 High Carbon Steel
Mr. Matthew Carragher, University of Connecticut; Dr. Lesley D. Frame, University of Connecticut
Impact of Temperature, Exposure Times and Microstructure on Tellurium Diffusion and Embrittlement in Alloy 617 and SS316
Ms. Morgan A. Xu, University of Connecticut; Dr. Lesley D. Frame, University of Connecticut; Mr. Ryan E Gordon, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Leveraging Materials Informatics to Uncover the Aluminum Alloy Heat Treatment Processes with Optimal Strengthening Effect and Minimal Carbon Footprint
Mr. Ho Lun Chan, University of Virginia, Materia Technologies LLC; Ms. Ankita Biswas, University of Virginia, Materia Technologies LLC; Mr. Debashish Sur, University of Virginia, Materia Technologies LLC; Mr. Roberto Herrera del Valle, University of Virginia, Materia Technologies LLC; Mr. Ryan Grimes, Materia Technologies LLC, University of Virginia
SAXS high-temperature analysis of heat treatment conditions in AA7050 to assess precipitate evolution and strengthening mechanisms
N/A Alyssa Stubbers, University of Kentucky; Dr. Ning Zhu, University of Alabama; Dr. Luke N. Brewer, University of Alabama; Dr. John Balk, University of Kentucky
Effect of cooling rates in a hypoeutectoid steel under forced convection conditions.
Ms. Maria Isabel Bucio-Herrejon, Instituto Tecnologico de Morelia; Dr. Monserrat Sofia Lopez-Cornejo, Instituto Tecnologico de Morelia; Dr. Hector Javier Vergara-Hernandez, Institituto Tecnologico de Morelia; Mr. Angel Daniel Rauda-Ceja, Instituto Tecnologico de Morelia
A Machine Learning Approach to Optimize Heat Treatment for Increased SCC Resistance in Al-Mg and Al-Zn-Mg Alloys
Mr. Alen Korjenic, University of Virginia; Mr. Ho Lun Chan, University of Virginia; Mr. Roberto Herrera del Valle, University of Virginia; Ms. Ankita Biswas, University of Virginia; Mr. Ryan Grimes, Materia Technologies LLC
Flux analysis of nitrogen and carbon during nitriding and FNC heat treating
Mr. Haoxing You, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Prof. Richard D Sisson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute