New Advances in Solder Technology

Monday, April 23, 2012: 9:00 AM
Red Rock BC (Red Rock Casino Resort and Spa)
Mr. Eric Slezak , Indium Corporation of America, Elk Grove Village, IL
Soldering, a process that had existed and showed little change for more than 2000 years,  has in recent times exhibited surprising developments, commensurate with the world as a whole. These changes have not only been driven by accelerating end user technological needs, but also the economic and geopolitical. An exploration of the current situation requires a look into some data, why the data has significance and then implications for our “global” future. It is worthwhile to question whether technologies now prevalent or emerging in electronic soldering, create benefits when compared to the tradition and whether they are applicable across all platforms, electronic and non-electronic. Similarly there has been an increasing tendency for economic and geopolitical forces to shape both regulation and the supply structure of raw materials and end products. Are the technological, economic and geopolitical forces creating needed change or are we simply one tail of the dog being whipped as a consequence?
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