Selection of Quenchants

Wednesday, April 20, 2016: 1:30 PM
Ballroom C (Hyatt Regency Savannah)
Dr. D. Scott MacKenzie , Houghton International Inc., Valley Forge, PA

Session: Quenching and Quenchants II

Title: Selection of Quenchants

D. Scott MacKenzie, PhD, FASM

Houghton International, Inc. 

The selection of quenchants for industrial application cover many aspects.  There are the metallurgical and physical constraints that must be satisfied.  The quenchant selected must provide consistent quenching the first time, as well as over the life of the quenchant.  The quenchant must provide stain free work.  The cost of the quenchant must be considered, including the initial cost and the cost of any additives to be added over the life of the quenchant.  Finally, the cost of disposal must be considered.  The paper will review the aspects of selecting an oil quenchant, and proper maintenance of the quenchant for long productive life.