BSTS Single Crystal Thermal modeling for Growth Improvement and Optimization

Wednesday, September 15, 2021: 9:20 AM
227 (America's Center)
Mr. Husain Alnaser , University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
New method for processing semiconductor single crystal has been designed by computational method to lower the process temperature relatively which has not been done before. This research study is based on CALPHAD approach to theoretically design processing parameters by utilizing theoretical phase diagrams. The targeted material composition is consisting of Bi-Se2-Te-Sb (BSTS). The semiconductor system contains two phases hexagonal and rhombohedral crystal structures which are presented in the phase field of the theoretical pseudo-binary phase diagrams. The semiconductor has been theoretically evaluated by comparing our previous studies based on Hume-Rothery rules with junction to CALPHAD approach. This method will yield significant low temperature processing of 350 ᵒC and identification of phase equilibria which include solidus lines, liquidus lines, solubility limits, and chemical reaction points. CALPHAD approach showed remarkable results which was reflected upon the phase fields that can be used as a database for actual experiment.