Computer simulation of material atomic and subatomic structures and properties

Tuesday, September 14, 2021: 1:20 PM
224 (America's Center)
Dr. Vladimir B. Ginzburg, Ph.D. , International Rolling Mill Consultants, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA
The proposed modeling is based on a set of spacetime equations limiting the degrees of freedom of two 4D spiral spacetimes called toryx and helyx. Unlike the spacetimes with limited generic properties used in the models proposed since 1916, the generic properties of toryx and helyx can be found in numerous entities of our Universe. This explains a wide range of their topologically-polarized properties suitable for modeling a spontaneous creation of toryces from quantum vacuum, formation of four kinds of elementary matter particles by the unification of polarized toryces, and a consequent formation of nucleons, atoms and isotopes. The elementary radiation particles are made up of topologically-polarized helyces. They are emitted after quantum excitation and oscillation states of elementary matter particles are reduced from higher to lower levels. Both elementary matter and elementary radiation particles sustain their existence by absorption and release of spacetime. The described computer modeling confirms properties of several known elementary matter and radiation particles and predicts the existence of new materials beyond the ordinary matter with much larger ranges of their densities and rigidities that are capable of emission and absorption of radiation with velocities significantly exceeding the velocity of light.

There are three principle features of the proposed computer modeling: (1) The range of application of the computer modeling expands beyond our ordinary Universe and includes several levels of the Multiverse, (2) The structures and properties of entities of the Multiverse are expressed in spacetime units that can be discovered by the inhabitants of its advanced civilizations, and (3) It employs a greatly simplified mathematics by using the expanded versions of 3D elementary trigonometry, number theory and topology compatible with the 4D spiral spacetimes.