(V) Spinodal decomposition in Fe-Cr

Monday, September 13, 2021: 2:00 PM
222 (America's Center)
Dr. Henrik Larsson , KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Mr. Deepjyoti Mukherjee , KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Dr. Lars Höglund , KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Prof. Joakim Odqvist , KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Sixty years have now passed since Cahn’s seminal work on spinodal decomposition was published (JW Cahn, Acta Metallurgica 1961(9)795) and there are still aspects of the industrially important decomposition in the Fe-Cr system that need to be illuminated. In this talk results from a thorough modelling investigation of spinodal decomposition in Fe-Cr will be presented. Good agreement with experimental data have been obtained. Some tentative simulations for multicomponent systems will also be presented.