Innovative Sample Holder for Large and Odd-shaped Metallographic Samples

Wednesday, October 18, 2023: 3:00 PM
331 ABC (Huntington Convention Center)
Ms. Kelsey Torboli , Struers LLC, Westlake, OH
Traditionally, large weld samples and irregular shapes must be ground by hand; a process that has poor ergonomics, poor reproducibility among users, and limited consumable choices as many labs choose silicon carbide paper for plane grinding.

The novel Struers Flexible Specimen Holder is designed to hold large and odd-shaped samples for more automated grinding and polishing. By automating the preparation process, we can reduce the risk of repetitive stress injuries, like carpal tunnel and tendinitis. This holder also allows us to increase sample throughput by choosing high efficiency grinding surfaces, like the MD-Piano, in lieu of silicon carbide papers. The increased automation and high efficiency grinding surfaces permit the technicians to walk away from the machine and accomplish other tasks during longer preparation steps. By choosing the high efficiency grinding surfaces, the lab can also reduce the excessive waste produced by many sheets of silicon carbide paper.

This presentation will demonstrate how the innovative Flexible Specimen Holder can be used to improve lab safety, reduce the variability in preparation results among users, increase sample throughput, and reduce waste for a greener future.