Characterization of Casting Defects Using Computed Tomography
Characterization of Casting Defects Using Computed Tomography
Wednesday, October 18, 2023: 9:20 AM
321 (Huntington Convention Center)
Computed tomography (CT) scanning has emerged as a valuable tool for characterizing the defects and porosity of metal castings. CT scanning is a non-destructive imaging technique that allows for the creation of three-dimensional (3D) images of the internal structures of objects. By using CT scanning, the porosity of metal castings can be measured and visualized in detail, providing valuable information for quality control and failure analysis. In this presentation, we review the use of CT scanning for characterizing porosity in metal castings, including the advantages and limitations of the method. CT scanning provides a unique ability to quantify the size, shape, and distribution of porosity in metal castings, which can improve the understanding of the casting process, enhance the prediction of casting properties, and provide insights into casting failures.