X-ray Computed Tomography for More than Pore Detection: Dimensions and Surface Quality

Monday, October 16, 2023: 1:40 PM
338 (Huntington Convention Center)
Dr. Curtis Frederick , ZEISS, Knoxville, TN
Dr. Edson Costa Santos , ZEISS, Oberkochen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
X-ray computed tomography (XCT) is a powerful technique that can be used to solve many challenges of the Additive Manufacturing (AM) process This includes developing process parameters for new materials to giving feedback during AM part design. XCT also enables the visualization and analysis of the internal structure of AM components and determining how the printed parts compare to the intended design in addition to providing detailed information on porosity and subsurface defects.

This presentation will introduce XCT and demonstrate multiple use cases in which high-resolution 3D visualization gave users valuable insight into their AM process. The cases include how Fraunhofer IPK is removing distortion caused by residual stress in Ti64 parts and how defects and internal surface roughness are being characterized in AM-produced copper heating coils at Takao Kogyo Co.

Furthermore, solutions to challenges typically associated with applying XCT in AM, such as limited resolution and the need for specialized software for reconstruction and data analysis will be discussed. Through ZEISS' collaboration with ORNL, an automated workflow has been developed that creates recipes for common alloy families, handling scan setup, reconstruction enhancement, and automated segmentation. This workflow will allow users who have no experience in XCT to confidently use this amazing tool to rapidly get feedback on their AM-produced parts. We aim to educate AM users on the latest advancements in XCT for AM and empower them to leverage this technology in innovative ways to optimize their AM processes.