Advanced Laser Wire Welding Processes
Advanced Laser Wire Welding Processes
Monday, October 16, 2023: 1:40 PM
412 AB (Huntington Convention Center)
Laser wire processes are seeing high adoption rates across a range of industries due benefits including high travel speeds, deep penetration welding, and low heat input. Current efforts in the welding community to advance these technologies include increasing depth of penetration and reducing heat input. This study investigated advanced laser wire processes including a variation of hybrid laser arc and laser hotwire welding. The laser arc process was investigated in both the deep penetration mode for thick plates and the laser assisted mode for thin sheets. A systematic process window investigation was performed with weld geometry and defects characterized by optical imaging, and optical microscopy. In-situ process monitoring of these processes included inline coherent imaging and thermal imaging.
See more of: Laser and Energy Beam Joining I
See more of: Joining of Advance and Specialty Materials (JASM XXII)
See more of: Joining of Advance and Specialty Materials (JASM XXII)