Visual Inspection and Macro-Photodocumentation for Failure Analysis

Wednesday, October 18, 2023: 2:20 PM
320 (Huntington Convention Center)
Ms. Debbie Aliya, FASM , Aliya Analytical Inc, Grand Rapids, MI
Visual inspection and background documentation review are the key parallel first steps in a failure analysis. Usually, photo-documentation accompanies the visual inspection. Visual inspection may be accomplished with the unaided human eyeballs/brain/mind, corrected human eyeballs/brain/mind, or, for smaller Subjects, with optical or electron microscopes. The magnification is less the issue than what we are trying to accomplish. The visual examination for failure analysis must be done in two phases: Looking FOR and Looking AT. The first is easier, and is commonly taught by anyone teaching or mentoring in the failure analysis field. Looking at something, to see what's there, is more difficult, because it's not defined. We have to learn to be open-minded, so we can notice features that would never appear on a list of what others have been able to compile.

Many people doing "routine" forensic work have a formulaic approach to photo-documentation. They are often in a hurry, trying to be considerate of others who need to view the evidence. This is understandable when there are 3 or more parties at a destructive testing party. However, it's unlikely that all potentially relevant features will be noticed when someone takes a series of six or 16 photos, without taking the time to look before they point their cameras. Yes, the new generation of small digital cameras is fantastic. But they don't replace looking at the evidence. In this presentation, some hints to cultivate open-mindedness and the ability to notice relevant features will be presented.

It's important to go beyond the idea that the photos proved you attended the inspection.

See more of: Failure Analysis