Impact of Research and Subsequent Thermodynamic and Kinetics Models on Industrial Materials Engineering
Impact of Research and Subsequent Thermodynamic and Kinetics Models on Industrial Materials Engineering
Monday, October 16, 2023: 1:00 PM
332 (Huntington Convention Center)
Research in Materials Science has led to greater physics-based understanding of the mechanisms that drive the phenomena observed in industry and which are employed to manipulate and optimize material structure and properties during the manufacture of engineered components. Increasing use of modeling and simulation within industrial materials engineering environments is leading to greater support and need for focused research in phase stability and kinetics of structure evolution. Though deterministic-based simulations have been useful, increasing need for probabilistic analysis as part of statistical material science is driving further study of uncertainty in model formulation, input material properties and process boundary conditions. Examples of industrial modeling and simulation applications that take advantage of emerging thermodynamic and kinetics models and data will be provided.