Novel Alloy Design Approaches for AM (Part 2)/ Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing

Wednesday, October 18, 2023: 1:00 PM-4:20 PM
338 (Huntington Convention Center)
Mr. Matthew deJong, North Carolina State University and Mr. Haozhi Zhang, North Carolina State University
1:00 PM
Alloy Development for Metal Additive Manufacturing
Dr. Prabir K. Chaudhury, Education and Consulting LLC
1:20 PM
Grain refinement and 3D printability of high strength aluminum alloys for LPBF applications by mechanical mixing of commercial powders with scandium containing powders
Mr. John M. O'Connell, New Mexico Tech; Mr. Timothy Nice, New Mexico Tech; Mr. Nathaniel Badgett, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology; Dr. Deep Choudhuri, New Mexico Tech; Prof. Bhaskar Majumdar, New Mexico Tech
1:40 PM
A New Technique for Chemistry at the Scale of Printing and Bulk Composition Analysis
Mrs. Ellen Scott Williams, Exum Instruments; Ms. Peyton Willis, Exum Instruments; Dr. Jonathan C. Putman, Exum Instruments
2:00 PM
Effect of laser power on properties of diamond tools manufactured using Laser Metal Deposition
Mr. Varun Kumar Kurapati, OP Jindal University; Dr. Kalyan Phani, OP Jindal University
2:20 PM
2:40 PM
3:00 PM
Manufacturing of launcher propulsion system components with Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing (CSAM)
Mr. Markus Brotsack, IMPACT INNOVATIONS GMBH; Mr. Ralf Schuefer, IMPACT INNOVATIONS GMBH- Partner SST Schuefer Surface Technologies
3:40 PM
Using WAAM to Locally Enhance Fatigue and Corrosion Resistance of Cast Steel Parts
Mr. Andrew Bunge, Michigan Technological University; Dr. Paul G. Sanders, Michigan Technological University
4:00 PM
Progress and challenges in making an aerospace component with cold spray additive manufacturing
Mr. Felix N. Lomo, RMIT University; Dr. Peter C. King, CSIRO Manufacturing; Dr. Alejandro Vargas-Uscategui, CSIRO Manufacturing; Dr. Milan J. Patel, RMIT University; Prof. Ivan Cole, RMIT University
See more of: Additive Manufacturing