Materials for Energy & Utilities

Monday, October 16, 2023: 3:00 PM-4:40 PM
337 (Huntington Convention Center)
Dr. Andrzej Wojcieszynski, Wingens Consulting LLC
3:00 PM
Is UV/EB the Answer to the EV Question? (It’s All About Energy!)
Mr. Michael R. Bonner, Saint Clair Systems, Inc.; Mr. Ian Porzondek, Saint Clair Systems, Inc.
3:20 PM
When Choosing Lightweight Materials, Don’t Forget Your Coatings!
Mr. Michael R. Bonner, Saint Clair Systems, Inc.; Mr. Devin Darling, Saint Clair Systems, Inc.
3:40 PM
Aluminum Ultra-Conductors for Energy-Efficient Grid Applications
Dr. Keerti Kappagantula, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Dr. Aditya K. Nittala, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Dr. MD Reza-E-Rabby, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Ms. Nicole Overman, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Mr. Darrell Herling, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
4:00 PM
Lithium-ion Battery Separator Microstructural and Mechanical Properties Degradation Induced by Fast Charging Conditions
Dr. Mustapha Makki, University of Michigan - Dearborn; Prof. Georges Ayoub, PhD, University of Michigan - Dearborn; Prof. Cheol Lee, University of Michigan - Dearborn