Aluminum Alloys for Automotive II

Monday, October 16, 2023: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
413 AB (Huntington Convention Center)
Dr. Timothy A. Langan, Clean TeQ Holdings Limited
1:20 PM
Predicting Sheet Metal Fracture Surface in AA 6xxx using Anisotropic Continuum Damage Mechanics Model
Dr. Mustapha Makki, University of Michigan - Dearborn; Mr. Ossama Abou Ali Modad, University of Michigan, Dearborn; Prof. Georges Ayoub, PhD, University of Michigan - Dearborn
1:40 PM
Effect of trace additions of Scandium on plastic instabilities during forming of Al-Mg automotive alloys
Dr. Timothy A. Langan, Clean TeQ Holdings Limited; Dr. Paul G. Sanders, Michigan Technological University; Mr. Tom D. Wood, Michigan Technological University