Archaeometallurgy and Ancient Metalworking I

Tuesday, October 17, 2023: 8:40 AM-9:40 AM
336 (Huntington Convention Center)
Ms. Patricia CARRIZO, UTN FRM and Dr. Omid Oudbashi, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
8:40 AM
The corrosion and microstructural characteristics of archaeological brass artifacts from the Byzantine period in Jordan
Dr. Ahmad N. Abu-Baker, Yarmouk University; Prof. Lutfi A. Khalil, The University of Jordan
9:00 AM
A Comparative Archaeometallurgical and Topographic Analysis of Metallurgical Waste from Fort Ouiatenon
Ms. Cassandra B. Apuzzo, M.S., Purdue University; Kaushik Yanamandra, Ph.D., Purdue University; Eshan Ganju, Ph.D., Purdue University; Nikhilesh Chawla, Ph.D., Purdue University; H. Kory Cooper, Ph.D., Purdue University