Microstructural Characterization and the Correlation of Microstructure to Mechanical Properties II

Monday, October 16, 2023: 1:00 PM-2:40 PM
331 ABC (Huntington Convention Center)
Dr. Donald Susan, Ph.D.1, Dr. Jessica Buckner1, Ms. Ellen Rabenberg2 and Ms. Ashley Long3, (1)Sandia National Laboratories(2)NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center(3)Buehler
1:00 PM
Microstructure of Historical Fe-Based Objects
Mr. George Vander Voort, Vander Voort Consulting LLC
1:20 PM
Effect of thermal aging on microstructural and mechanical properties of Hastelloy C and C276
Dr. Jessica Buckner, Sandia National Laboratories; Dr. Bonnie Antoun, Sandia National Laboratories; Dr. Zahra Ghanbari, Sandia National Laboratories
1:40 PM
Unique Behavior of PH13-8Mo Stainless Steel in Additive Manufactured or Highly Cold-Worked Wrought Conditions
Dr. Donald Susan, Ph.D., Sandia National Laboratories; Dr. Andrew Kustas, Sandia National Laboratories; Dr. Jeffrey M. Rodelas, Sandia National Laboratories; Dale E. Cillessen, Sandia National Laboratories; Zachary Casias, Sandia National Laboratories; Priya R. Pathare, Sandia National Laboratories