Additive Manufacturing for Energy Applications

Monday, October 16, 2023: 3:00 PM-5:00 PM
338 (Huntington Convention Center)
Mr. Emmanuel D Amoako, North Carolina State University
3:40 PM
Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Alumina Forming Austenitic Alloys Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Dr. Holden C. Hyer, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Dr. Yi-Feng Su, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Dr. Sebastien Dryepondt, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Dr. Yukinori Yamamoto, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Dr. Bruce Pint, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Dr. Caleb Massey, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
4:00 PM
Effects of Gas Atomization Reaction Synthesis Powder Size on ODS Steel Consolidated via Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Mr. Matthew deJong, North Carolina State University; Mr. Sourabh Saptarshi, North Caroline State University; Dr. Iver Anderson, Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University; Dr. Christopher Rock, North Carolina State University; Dr. Timothy Horn, North Carolina State University; Dr. Djamel Kaoumi, North Carolina State University
4:40 PM
A comprehensive study of how solidification and cooling rate change in melt pool dynamics affect oxide growth and distribution in Additively Manufactured Ferritic 14YWT samples produced using Gas Atomization Reaction Synthesis Precursor Powder
Mr. Sourabh Saptarshi, North Caroline State University; Mr. Matthew deJong, North Carolina State University; Dr. Christopher Rock, North Carolina State University; Dr. Iver Anderson, Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University; Prof. Ralph Napolitano, Iowa State University; Dr. Djamel Kaoumi, North Carolina State University; Dr. Timothy Horn, North Carolina State University
See more of: Additive Manufacturing