Archaeometallurgy and Ancient Metalworking II

Tuesday, October 17, 2023: 10:30 AM-11:30 AM
336 (Huntington Convention Center)
Ms. Patricia CARRIZO, UTN FRM and Dr. Omid Oudbashi, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
10:30 AM
Metallurgical Investigation of the Manufacturing Origin of Antique Sharps-style Rifles from the Nepalese Armory
Prof. Gerald R. Bourne, Ph.D, Colorado School of Mines; Mr. Charles D. DeFrance, Colorado School of Mines; Dr. Christopher B. Finfrock, Colorado School of Mines; Ms. Madeline Stelter, Colorado School of Mines; Ms. Heather Ferrara, Colorado School of Mines
11:10 AM
Archaeometallurgical and numismatic study of a 5 Pesetas Silver Coin from 1870
Prof. Patricia Silvana Carrizo, National Technological University Mendoza Regional Faculty