A study on the causes and mechanisms of crack propagation in whiteware toilet tanks

Tuesday, October 1, 2024: 11:30 AM
26 C (Huntington Convention Center)
Dr. Nicolas Geoffroy, P.Eng. , CEP Forensic, Laval, QC, Canada
Dr. Nicolas Cunningham, P.Eng. , CEP Forensic, Laval, QC, Canada
Cracking and leaks in toilet tanks can result in substantial water loss causing both substantial property and economic damage wherever they are installed. Identifying the root cause of cracks can be a challenge especially when the tanks have been installed and used for years. A thorough study was conducted to differentiate through-wall cracks and chips resulting from mechanical damage and those that were caused by manufacturing defects. The crack growth and morphology of cracks in toilet tanks were also studied during simulated testing designed to reproduce the effect to thousands of fills and flush cycles. Conclusions related to the presence of displaced and wide opened cracks in toilets tanks will be presented.
See more of: Failure Analysis