Production Friendly Hexavalent Chromium-Free Corrosion Resistant Coatings for Turbomachinery
Production Friendly Hexavalent Chromium-Free Corrosion Resistant Coatings for Turbomachinery
Monday, September 30, 2024: 1:00 PM
21 (Huntington Convention Center)
Corrosion resistant coatings for high temperature parts such as those used in Turbomachinery are historically comprised of chromium-based ceramics. Health and Environmental issues have led to increased regulatory pressures to develop hexavalent chromium-free alternative technologies. Adoption of these technologies have been hindered due to difficulties in transferring from laboratory testing phase to the coating of real parts in industrial settings.
This paper will explore the reasons for the difficulties in both the development of hexavalent chromium-free coatings of these high-demand applications, and the successful productionization of these coatings in industrial plants.
Then, we will demonstrate a successful scale-up of a compliant coating system to multiple plants both within our own company as well as third party customers' coating plants. Demonstration of production-friendliness will be demonstrated on real parts with complicated geometries at production plant scales.
See more of: Corrosion and Environmental Degradation
See more of: Corrosion and Environmental Degradation
See more of: Corrosion and Environmental Degradation