ABD Availability Based Design : A New Original Design Scheme preventing Modern Machine Design Failures

Wednesday, October 2, 2024: 1:40 PM
26 B (Huntington Convention Center)
Mr. Pierre DUPONT , Schaeffler Belgium Sprl/Bvba, DOUR, Belgium
Designing new systems and machines is one of the most complex task of the nature : this comes from the difficulty to satisfy antagonist constraints that have to be met for achieving (a) given satisfactorily design(s) regards to the specifications of the Projects. Modern life and quickly varying markets impose nowadays to the designer some additional constraints to be taken into account at the early design stages of the machine design process in order to avoid any machine design failures and succeed in getting a sufficiently satisfactory design iteration. Materials and processing parameters selection is also an important part of the design process that has to be checked for. These new modern design constraints may be classified under 3 families of what we called "large amounts" any designer has nowadays to deal with. The current talk intends to make a detailed review of those factors with the goal to prevent future machine design failures. After having shown the nowadays problematic, this talk introduces a new design systematics easing the complex iterative tasks of the designer for converging more quickly and efficiently to a group of satisfactorily machine design iterations. Finally, the talk concludes with the benefits of this new scheme in terms of time win and failure risk prevention.
See more of: Failure Analysis