Nobel method for the evaluation of thin film residual stress by using X-ray diffraction

Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Dr. Junghwa park , Samsung Display, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Republic of (South)
In the present work we developed advanced system for not only diagnosing but also predicting the impact resistance of device by evaluating residual stress of metal thin film with non-destructive X-ray diffraction (XRD). Residual stress affects the behavior of the mechnaical components and can compreomise its strucutral and diemsional stability. The metal thin film was characterized by using transmission electron microsope (TEM), atomic force microsocpe (AFM), and XRD. Based on the column growth profiles, the metal thin film growth on the center positon has the void between neighbored columns that is less dense structure. Surface roughness is 28.5 nm and 17.8 nm, respectively center, edge. Based on the case studies, when the metal thin film has the compressive residual stress, the device has a tolerable impact resistance. In contrast, the panel has a poor impact resistance with tensile residual stressed metal thin film. The data indicated that the crack was generated by a pen drop, propagated by the residual stress conditions, and finally followed by diffusing outgas such as oxygen or H2O throughout the crack. The crack plays a pathway for delivery outgas which is negatively affected for device lifetime. Precisely controlled the residual stress of the metal thin film can be able to design robust device.
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