Panel Discussion: Communication of Fractography Results

Monday, September 30, 2024: 2:00 PM
26 C (Huntington Convention Center)
Mr. Joe Epperson, FASM , NTSB retired, Washington, DC
Dr. Elizabeth Buc , Fire and Materials Research Laboratory, Livonia, MI
Mr. Larry D. Hanke, P.E. , Materials Evaluation and Engineering, Inc., Plymouth, MN
Ms. Debbie Aliya, FASM , Aliya Analytical Inc, Grand Rapids, MI
Mr. Jonathan Contreras, P.E., M.S. , Jensen Hughes, Mountlake Terrace, WA
Mr. Dan Grice, P.E. , Materials Engineering and Evaluation, Inc., Plymouth, MN
Fractography is, to be frank, a niche specialty even amongst engineers and scientists. Yet fractography plays an integral role in the work of a materials’ failure analyst. As such, the findings of fractographic analyses must be disseminated to engineers in other fields and to non-technical stakeholders. During this discussion, the organizers of this session would like to invite our colleagues in the audience to share both tried-and-true methods and new-and-unique techniques for communicating the results of fractography analyses.

Panel Moderators: Dan Grice (PE) & Jonathan Contreras (PE)

See more of: Failure Analysis