Metallography and Machine Learning II (Joint Session IMS & AI/MI Committee)

Tuesday, October 1, 2024: 10:30 AM-11:50 AM
26 A (Huntington Convention Center)
Dr. Joshua Stuckner, NASA Glenn Research Center and Dr. Andrew Kitahara, Analytical Mechanics Associates
10:30 AM
Making automated image analysis simple with AI
Dr. Bertha Vazquez Rodriguez, Clemex; Mr. Hector D Horozco Perez, Clemex; Mr. Julien Robitaille, Clemex; Mr. Francis Quintal Lauzon, Clemex
11:10 AM
Automated and objective generation of annotations for AI-based microstructure quantification by using correlative microscopy
Mr. Martin Müller, Material Engineering Center Saarland; Dr. Dominik Britz, Material Engineering Center Saarland; Prof. Frank Mücklich, Saarland University
11:30 AM
Characterization of TiC Reinforced Nickel Matrix Composite using Deep learning assisted X-ray Microscopy
Dr. Kaushik Yanamandra, Ph.D., Carl Zeiss Microscopy; Dr. Hrishikesh Bale, Carl Zeiss Microscopy LLC; Dr. Noushin Moharrami, Carl Zeiss Microscopy LLC; Prof. Rajarshi Banerjee, University of North Texas