Tuesday, October 1, 2024: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
26 B (Huntington Convention Center)
Mr. Ronald Parrington, FASM, M.S., P.E., ATS Labs, Dr. Todd Menna, Ph.D., Element Materials Technology, Dr. Gregory S. Chojecki, Ph.D., SEA, Dr. Nicolas Cunningham, P.Eng., CEP Forensic and Dr. Jason R. Babcock, PhD, Engineering Systems Inc.
1:00 PM
Impact Testing of Cylindrical Battery Cells for Automotive Applications
Mr. James Tobin, Exponent, Inc.; Dr. Wahid Zaman, Ph.D., Exponent, Inc.; Dr. Jeff Stewart, Ph.D., P.E., Exponent, Inc.
1:20 PM
NTSB Materials Failure Analysis of Lithium-Ion Battery Incidents from the Boeing 787
Dr. Erik Mueller, P.E., National Transportation Safety Board; Michael Budinski, FASM, National Transportation Safety Board; Mr. Joseph Panagiotou, National Transportation Safety Board
See more of: Failure Analysis