Monday, September 30, 2024: 1:00 PM-2:40 PM
26 B (Huntington Convention Center)
Prof. Véronique Vitry1, Dr. Ty Porter, Ph.D., P.E.2, Mr. James Lane, PE3, Mrs. Haley Johnson3 and Ms. Frida Ponce de Leon Hernandez, (1)University of Mons(2)Exponent, Inc.(3)Rimkus Consulting Group, Inc.
1:00 PM
Challenges in Failure Analysis of AM Inserts for Die Casting Applications
Mr. Peter P. Ried, Ried and Associates, LLC; Ms. Debbie Aliya, FASM, Aliya Analytical Inc; Mr. Corey Vian, M.S., Stellantis; Mr. Neil Bailey, Stellantis
1:20 PM
Stress Relaxation Cracking Characteristics in Stainless Steel and Nickel Base Superalloys for High Temperature Service
Mr. Timothy Pickle, Colorado School of Mines, Center for Welding, Joining and Coatings Research (CWJCR); Dr. Jorge Penso, Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc.; Dr. Chad Augustine, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Dr. Zhenzhen Yu, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado School of Mines, Center for Welding, Joining and Coatings Research (CWJCR)
1:40 PM
Theoretical effects of heat treatment and minor elemental additions to AISI 420 martensitic stainless steels.
Mr. James Lane, PE, Rimkus Consulting Group, Inc.; Dr. Nicolas Cunningham, P.Eng., CEP Forensic
2:00 PM
Failure Mechanisms in Powder Metallurgy Parts
Mr. Thomas N. Ackerson, PE, MBA, Blue Origin; Mr. Cole Youngblood, Blue Origin; Mr. Brian Kelly, Blue Origin
2:20 PM
A Review of the Mechanism of Hydrogen Embrittlement
Dr. Daniel P Dennies, Ph.D, DMS Inc
See more of: Failure Analysis