IFHTSE World Congress Keynote: Sabine Denis, Université de Lorraine

IFHTSE World Congress Keynote
Sabine Denis
Université de Lorraine
Joint Keynote Session with IMAT
“Heat Treatment Numerical Simulations: from the Early Works to Today’s Achievements and Perspectives”
Numerical simulation is today a necessary tool in order to better optimize heat treatments as far as microstructures, mechanical properties and residual stresses and deformations in a workpiece are concerned. These multiphysics simulations need the modelling of the multiphase material behaviour (thermophysical behaviour, kinetics of phase transformations, thermomechanical behaviour), as well as the « process » modelling (heating, cooling, thermochemical…) and to take into account the couplings between the
different phenomena in numerical tools.
In this presentation, starting from the precursor works in the eighties and nineties, the main advances in the field will be reviewed. From the point of view of the material behaviour, the modelling of phase transformation kinetics including nucleation, growth,
coarsening models and their experimental validation particularly through in situ High Energy X ray diffraction for example for tempering in steels, as well as recent works on modelling transformation plasticity will be addressed.
Also the major progress in the prediction of heat transfer by the coupling with fluid flow simulation not only for heating in furnaces or gaz quenching but also for quenching in vaporizable fluids will be shown. Coupling with electromagnetic simulations for induction
hardening as well as with thermochemical processes modelling like carburizing and carbonitriding will be addressed too.
Concerning the experimental validation of the calculated results, in addition to more classical post mortem analyses, the increasing developments of in situ measurements of distortions during heating and quenching as well as original work for the in situ determination of the evolutions of internal stresses during cooling for example after carburizing or carbonitriding will be emphasized.
Perspectives will concern for example the microstructure predictions with full field approaches, the chaining of different processes, the emerging data driven models…
Keynote Sessions | IMAT-2024 (asminternational.org)