J. Wilden, S. Jahn, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany; J. P. Bergmann, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Ilmenau, Germany; G. Fischer, S. Knapp, F. Van Rodijnen, Sulzer Metco OSU GmbH, Duisburg, Germany
A method for the production of particle reinforced coatings by wire arc spraying will be presented in this paper. This technology is based on the conventional wire arc spraying process. Additional particles are injected into the arc and sprayed in a non molten state along with the molten particles onto the substrate.
According to the reinforcing particles, the new process can be applied to produce coatings with a high wear resistance as well as a high surface roughness. In a wide range of applications, these properties are necessary. Due to economic aspects, the coating of large surfaces has to be done in a short time at low costs. Based on wire arc spraying, the thermal spray process with the highest deposition performance, the mentioned industry requirements can be fulfilled.