Y. Niu, X. Lliu, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China; C. Ding, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Shanghai, China
In the present work, silicon coating was deposited onto titanium alloys using vacuum plasma spraying (VPS) technology. Silicon powders with medium size as 78.4um, 55.6um, 25.9um, respectively, were applied as the original powders for spraying. Under optimized spraying parameters, dense coating with good bonding to titanium alloys substrate was obtained. Microstructure, porosity, roughness and deposition efficiency of the silicon coatings with different original particle sizes were compared. Results showed that the powder size had great influence on the deposition efficiency and surface roughness of the coatings. They decreased with decreasing the size of the feeding powders. The densest coating was obtained using silicon powder with medium size of 25.9um.
Keywords: Vacuum plasma spraying; Silicon Coating; powder size
Summary: In the present work, silicon coating was deposited onto titanium alloys using vacuum plasma spraying (VPS) technology. Silicon powders with medium size as 78.4um, 55.6um, 25.9um, respectively, were applied as the original powders for spraying. Under optimized spraying parameters, dense coating with good bonding to titanium alloys substrate was obtained. Microstructure, porosity, roughness and deposition efficiency of the silicon coatings with different original particle sizes were compared. Results showed that the powder size had great influence on the deposition efficiency and surface roughness of the coatings. They decreased with decreasing the size of the feeding powders. The densest coating was obtained using silicon powder with medium size of 25.9um.