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Tuesday, May 15, 2007 - 8:40 AM

Microstructure Control of NiO(graphite)/8YSZ SOFC Anode Coatings by Atmospheric Plasma (APS)

O. Kwon, Hanyang university, Seoul, South Korea; S. Y. Hwang, RIST, Pohang, South Korea; C. Lee, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea

This study focuses on the manufacturing of porous anode layers for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell(SOFC). Anode layer plays the most important role for the oxidation of fuel to generate electricity and also behaves as a substrate of the whole cell. It is normally requested that the anode materials should have the high electrical conductivity and gas permeability to reduce the polarization loss of the cell. A 40%Ni - 60%YSZ cermet anode was fabricated for solid oxide fuel cell by atmospheric plasma spray processing using NiO-grahite / 8mol%Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 composite particles. In this study, the effect of pore former on the microstructure of anode substrate was investigated and thus on the electrical conductivity and the gas permeability. Microstructure of the powders and the coating were characterized using scanning electron microscopy. The electrical conductivity of the coatings was investigated using both impedance spectroscopy and DC methods.