S. Zimmermann, H.C. Starck GmbH, Laufenburg, Germany; F. Schrumpf, J. Fischer, H.C. Starck GmbH, Goslar, Germany
Carbide based materials such as WC-Co, WC-CoCr, and Cr3C2-NiCr for thermal spraying exist in numerous modifications depending on chemistry, carbide size, and production method. They are widely used for wear, erosion and corrosion protection in many industrial fields. However, increasing requirements regarding corrosion and oxidation resistance as well as stricter environmental and occupational health and safety regulations demand the development of new binder materials for thermal spray powders.A new class of agglomerated and sintered carbide based materials with several modified and completely new binder materials has been developed and investigated. In the present study the powders were HVOF sprayed in order to show the influence of their different chemistry and morphology on the microstructure and the properties of the coatings in comparison to standard materials. The experiments comprise microstructural examinations, wear and corrosion tests as well as solubility tests of harmful elements such as Ni or Co.
Summary: Carbide based thermal spray powders like WC-Co, WC-CoCr, and Cr3C2-NiCr exist in various modifications. Stricter environmental and occupational health and safety regulations demand the development of new binder materials. In the present study carbide powders with new binder materials and the properties of the respective coatings are investigated.