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Wednesday, May 16, 2007 - 4:40 PM

Novel Hybrid Coatings

R. Bamola, A. Sickinger, Surface Modification Systems Inc., Santa Fe Springs, CA

In order to address deficiencies in thermal spray coatings applied using air plasma spraying (APS) and high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) namely; line of sight application, adhesion, cohesion and porosity, novel hybrid coatings were developed using post and pre-spray chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Tungsten carbide-cobalt and chrome carbide-nickel chrome were thermally sprayed followed by boron or chrome diffusion for severe service pump and valve applications. CoCrAlY sprayed followed by aluminum silicon diffusion was developed  for hot gas corrosion (Type II) in gas-turbine applications. Aluminum diffusion onto copper followed by HVOF Hastelloy C and a subsequent low temperature braze was developed for heat exchanger plates in sulfur environments. Testing and evaluation of the coatings included life cycle tests in field applications, molten salt exposure and immersion testing. Microstructural and microhardness testing was also carried out.

Summary: Air plasma and HVOF applied coatings were modified using chemical vaopor deposition in order to improve their phyical and chemical properties. HVOF tungsten carbide cobalt and chrome carbide nickel chrome was boronized and chromized. Higher surface hardnesses were recorded due to the formation of cobalt, nickel and chrome borides respectively. Improved adhesive and cohesive bonding was attributed to diffusion at the high processing temperatures. CoCrAlY HVOF with an aluminum silicate coating was developed as an alternative to platinum aluminide turbine coatings used for hot gas corrosion protection. A diffusion bonded Hastelloy C coating was also developed for copper heat exchangers used in mining.