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Tuesday, May 15, 2007 - 2:10 PM

Influence of Oxidation Phenomenon on Tribological Behaviour of Plasma Spray Coating

H. Liao, LERMPS-UTBM, Belfort, France; A. Stihle, University of Technology Belfort-Montbeliard, Belfort cedex, France; D. M. P. Planche, P. C. Coddet, University of Technology Belfort-Montbeliard, Belfort Cedex, France; S. Kenzary, Ecole des Mines, Nancy, France

The aim of this study is to develop coatings with a low porosity rate and high tribological properties.
Steel powder was used for plasma spraying. During the coating deposition, formation of iron oxides (FeO, Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 ) must be controlled as they have a function of solid lubricant, but also can have an abrasive behaviour. The friction behaviour can be improved according to the rate and the type of  the oxide.
In order to reach these objectives - low rate of porosity , selective type and rate of oxide for  high tribological properties-, the coating build-up must be better understood.
Various parameters were used for plasma spraying and the coatings were characterized in terms of microstructure and phase composition. .

The results revealed significant differences in the coating properties, depending on the process parameters. For each of them, flight particle diagnostics was performed, and comparing the particles characteristics allows a better understanding of the coating properties, the oxidation phenomenon, and the tribological behaviour. The oxide influence on the frictional characteristics was studied.


Summary: The aim of this study is to develop coatings with a low porosity rate and high tribological properties. In order to reach these objectives - low rate of porosity , selective type and rate of oxide for high tribological properties-, the coating build-up must be better understood.