A. Schwenk
GTV Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
Luckenbach, Germany Session 8: Properties, Characterization & Testing 8 |
A. Wank
GTV Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
Luckenbach, Germany Session 5: Properties, Characterization & Testing 5 |
A. Kobayashi
Osaka University, Joining and Welding Research Institute (JWRI)
Osaka, Japan Session 8: Properties, Characterization & Testing 8 |
D. Grasme
OBZ Dresel & Grasme GmbH
Bad Krozingen, Germany Session 6: Properties, Characterization & Testing 6 |
I. Ozdemir
Dokuz Eylul University
Izmir, Turkey Session 7: Properties, Characterization & Testing 7 |
J. Beczkowiak
H.C. Starck GmbH & Co. KG
Laufenburg, Germany Session 2: Properties, Characterization & Testing 2 |
J. Kitamura
Fujimi incorporated
Kakamigahara, Japan Session 5: Properties, Characterization & Testing 5 |
K. Middeldorf
Dusseldorf, Germany Session 7: Properties, Characterization & Testing 7 |
Mines ParisTech, UMR CNRS 7633
EVRY, France Session 4: Properties, Characterization & Testing 4 |
T. Kuwashima
Iwate Industrial Research Institute
Morioka Iwate, Japan Session 2: Properties, Characterization & Testing 2 |
T. Maruyama
Kansai University
Suita, Japan Session 6: Properties, Characterization & Testing 6 |
Y. Ando
Ashikaga Institute of Technology
Ashikaga, Tochigi, Japan Session 1: Properties, Characterization & Testing 1 |
Y. Tsunekawa
Toyota Technological Institute
Nagoya, Japan Session 3: Properties, Characterization & Testing 3 |